Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Newest Convert

This goes out to my good buddy CVO, the newest convert into the fixed gear world. Started riding an old frame he made a fixed gear bike about a week ago and already he's talking about getting a 29'er bike so he can run fixed/free. Is, CVO going to enter the world of off road fixed gear riding. He should. That dude is smooth out at Wilderness and he'll scorch that place up! Carp, we've gotta ride with CVO at Wilderness, smoke some butts in the alley across from Jakes, and then go drink beers at MWC. Shit, I miss cool air. Texas is hot. If you're outside you can drink a gallon of water and hold your piss all day.

I remember the first time I met CVO. It was at Cycle Works. I went in to try and get some spacers for my freewheel. He said he couldn't do it at the shop. I think I understand know. I tried to tell him I'd met this guy named Nate who worked at Buttmiester, but wanted to open a bikeshop. I already did all the shit Nate told me to do. Chain shortened and der as a tensioner. I just wanted to make it less messy in the back. CVO also pointed out how the der was bent. The bike was a fucking rat ride. I wasn't willing to pay more than $10 to make an improvement. Scrapped together and parts including the frame that the parts came on were given away. Living in Cali I was more interested in climbing and if I felt like it, bombing down the illegal dirt in Strawberry Canyon wearing tennis shoes after bouldering at Indian Rock.

Riding geared bikes started getting me bumbed. Gears are real expensive and it seems to me that if you don't devote a lot of cum to your bike it wears out quick. I break shit. Riding at CA I rode 4 warrantied Soloman snowboards in as many years. The first one I noticed that that the core along one edge had buckled in. The next three I delaminated. Usually after my third day in powder. It was a 167 that could really hold a line and a lot of speed. The newest replacement I put a core shot in it before I could delaminate it. Oh, well. I am not really planning on making a trip from Texas to go ride a snowboard. Rather not buy lift tickets and rock climb or ride for free.


Single Speeds. For some reason they make it fun. Granted. I'll spend a lot of money on a handlebar
but gears? The way I look at it is that s lack of gears allow you to indulge in your vices.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

-Benjamin Franklin

What $120 can get you in a Home Depot Parking Lot

Went to Home Depot and buy some tools and supplies for work. Had some groundwater sampling coming up.

This dude ran up to me and said that he could fix my door for $120 in the parking lot while I was in shopping. For those of you who don't know. I crunched my door. Still getting use to an automatic transmission. I threw it into reverse when I jumped out of my truck thinking it was in nuetral. The door got pinned against the side of the house and wouldn't close. Had it like that for a few months. Knew it would cost a lot when I didn't have the money and I just wanted it to be able to open all the way and close.

Realize, I made a used 4x4 truck that I just bought that was basically new, an old truck. At least easthetically. All I care about is that the door doesn't rust out and I can open and close it. By the time I am ready to get rid of this truck the door won't matter, the miles will.

Speaking of trucks, those dudes with the truck parking site is funny. What the hell is that address. I keep trying to relocate it but the Links off of:

Getting Tara out of the House

Tara's sister Kelsey crashed at our place last night. Part of the big Suprise for Tara's Birthday. Part of the plan was to get Tara out of the house from 1 to 3 so her mom, sister, and dad could get the place ready. I asked her about riding bikes for a special birthday brunch about a week early, which let her know something was up. Never found out about it though. Two weeks earlier after a dinner and night of good sushi, sake, Japanes beer, and a night cap back at the Four Seasons, Tara's dad said, "Tara, we'll see you in two weeks for the suprise," when Tara complained of not seeing her father enough.

After we said goodbye to her dad and his girlfriend the questions came.

Tara: Len, what surprise?

Len: Tara really, it's nothing. (Thinking, "Like shit, Tara. I broke out in uncontrollable laughter when your dad said that. What do you think the surprise is.")

Tara: Leeeennn, What is it?

Len: Okay, Tara do you really want to know and ruin the surprise. It's nothing really, just your dad and mom are both coming into town that weekend.

Tara: And Kelsey and Mike, too?

Len: (Thinking, "They didn't fill me in the Kelsey (Tara's sister) and Mike (Kelsey's boyfriend) were coming) Yeah, that too. Pretty sure Kelsey will be able to make it, but they're not sure about Mike yet.

Sold. I think part of the reason Tara took it is because the surprise is that important. There are no early presents. Birthdays and the 4th of July are the tits too Tara. Like a kid. Helps me realize what I've been lucky to find.

Kids, Don't Try This at Home

Handlebars look nice with no hands on them.

And look at that purdy stem. What do you think Tomac would say if he knew his old stem was on a fixed gear? And who would have thought I would buy Tomac's old stem at The Optimist Bike Swap in Lincoln, Nebraska. After and hopefully during this years there will be an infamous Lincoln Beer Ride. You have not ridden drunk till you've ridden in the beer ride.

The General Robert E. Lee

Pretty ironic. A dude born up in the Adirondack Moutains of New York. A Yankee living off of Robert E. Lee Road!

I cut through the parking lot and grass of Barton Springs to get to the bike path. Riding no hands taking pictures on a fixxie. Yeah, I am EXTREME. Great new event in the X-Games. Drunk Fucks on Fixed Gears.


Tara's going strong, but in a block she is pretty hungry. Pushing 2 o'clock and all we've put in ourselves this morning is coffee. Our priorities are straight.

Double Fisting

Not really. The beer ended up being mine. Live Oak Pilsner. Tara ordered it and I was like, "You're always saying you hate pilsner!" The waitress said it was hoppy so I kept my mouth shut. Worst case senario, I get to try a new beer that is described as hoppy. The waitressed offered to take the beer back when Tara ordered a Sierra. No thanks I will gladly drink it, really. Shit, it was hot as hell. Pilsner is for days like this. Plus I knew we had a keg of Bitter End Pale Ale waiting at Tara's Party.

On the way to breakfast we noticed there was a fire downtown. It was the Bitter End. Guess we got when the getting was good. Filled a growler during the party and threw it in the fridge. Drank it last night and it was still good. Better than this Pyramid Seasonal Curve Ball Piss I am drinking right now. But since someone brought it to the party and it is left over, free beer is good beer!


Nothing beats a spicy Bloody Mary after a ride!


The food finally came. Pushing 3 o'clock. Guests are showing up now and Tara is sensing something is up.

Don't Worry We'll Be Back

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Lets get started with some worthless shit

All right, received a digi camera from my fiances' dad tonight for me b-day so I can finally start one of these things. Posts will be about riding, traveling, beer, music, politics, and whatever else is on mine or other peoples minds who want to post. Enjoy