Thursday, August 24, 2006


Wooohooo! Tara bought me a B17 for my birthday. Nice. Finally can retire the old special edition turbo. Fucking thing was giving me saddle sores everytime I rode. Holes wearing in the leather. Gonna be fun getting this saddle to form to my ass.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Oh shit, I guess that includes me. Tara's and my new Jetta turbo diesel. diesel is the shit. fuel economy is great. epa rates this thing getting 43mpg while independent reviews i've read say about 49.9! Fuck hybrids. We thought about buying one, but their lack of track record and battery replacement/disposal didn't seem to cool. Most of our driving is highway also so the hybrid wouldn't be great.

Its hot. Tara's a hoss riding everyday to her new job. Five mile juant downtown. Me, I've been lazy. Its just too damn hot to ride 15 miles to work, not be able to shower, then 15 miles back home in the hottest part of the day. Been over 100 everyday now for a couple of weeks.

We need some rain too. Everything is browned out. Trails are so dry and hard traction is hard to find through the turns. No since washing the bike, just wipe down the chain cause your gonna be covered by dust first 15 minutes on the trail.