Thursday, September 15, 2005

downtown off road

The last ride I went on about a week ago. Pretty sweet section along a bike trail, where the trail has washed out along Shoal Creek. Figure it may be fun to combine this and Pease Park for some laps to train for cross. That's right, train for cross. My buddy Hector is trying to get me to race this fall. I think I am in. Got nothing to loose racing fixed gear and I've already got a ton of excuses I can use when I get my ass kicked. Guess its time to put the hammer down. Steady diet of beers, no more butts, and riding more than once a week. Rides to the corner store for beer doesn't count.

Guess I'm going to have to work on that whole mount dismount thing.


len said...

When's the beer ride. I've been thinking about looking into flights to Lincoln for that, but maybe I'll change it up to the other weekend.

cvo said...

beer ride is october 15th,

damn, if you guys race fixxed, i'm gonna have to arn't I.


I'm not doing it sober that's for sure.

len said...

sweet. flights to Lincoln are expensive ($350-400). Might be able to do it a bit cheaper driving and I could bring my bike. We'll see. Beer ride or fixed gear cross race with Carp and Drunk CVO? Decisions, decisions. Now maybe I can talk someone into splitting gas from Austin, but who?