Saturday, February 04, 2006

Another day in paradise

Got cold last night, but today its another toasty day and blue skies. Too much honey dews to ride, but shits gotta get done. Going by a place to get a couple of rings too. Unfortunately Tara ain't into me getting a 44T stainless steel ring for the wedding.

A gb recently purchased Hyde Park Gym. Its a big muscle head place, but there is a lot of normal people that work out there. Last Friday night we tore down a bunch of walls and opened that back of the place up. Tonight he's having kegs, a bbq, and showing Pumping Iron on the wall beside the parking lot.


cvo said...

nice. with my recent wing injury i think i'm gonna start doing some leg strength training...

my secret weapon

can you imagine a huge cvo?

len said...

hell yeah cvo. talk to carp. he's a big fan of weight training and he's got some big ass legs.

I've been thinking about starting to hit the gym myself. only need about 30 minutes to get a targeted workout and it should help my turn over the fixxie when trying to climb technical uphills.

Hope the arms heals fast!