Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fuckin Sweetness

Finally did it. Managed to wake up early enough and throw the leg over the bike and ride to work. Mostly the delay was I'd never really explored the back roads between my house and office. Kinda hard to do when you just want to get home or to work as fast as possible. Finally saw one non-highway road up towards work the other weekend when I had to come back down south by ways other than the highway and came down Metric. Had the bed of the truck loaded with river gravel and anything over 50 felt real sketchy cause the front tires were unwieghted. Then the road my buddy rEy and I took to Walnut Creek was super sweet with a bike lane ran into Metric.

Sweet ride. Cool enough for knee and arm warmers. Super mellow, bike lane almost the entire way. Little crushed stone greenbelt trail action through Wells Branch. Finally a country road without a shoulder, but no traffic to an office park. Then came the sketchy part. Last probably 1/2 mile was all I-35 frontage road. Goddamn. A bit scary and some goddamn Dell employee came within about 4 inches of my leg. Fucker. These Dell people piss me off. Mostly cause their campus is so big it creates most of the traffic. They also seem like pretty idoitic and uncourteous driver, ya' know the type, the ones that are in a turning lane and pull up to block your left hand turn even though they got a red light. Oh sorry, didn't see you there I was on my cell phone, putting on lipstick, reading the paper.... Guess odds are if you employ a few thousand people odds are your going to get few jackasses.

Well, took about an hour with some stopping to look at the map along the way. Its about 13 miles by highway so its about that by the back streets. We'll see if I can manage 3 days a week. 2 hours everyday might make me neglect the home duties too much. Also see if work can manage a sweaty biker in their midst. No shower, but there is always the sponge bath in the office bathroom!


cvo said...

good job on finding a route dude,

sounds like your gonna have to teach those dell employees a thing or two,

nothing works better and a full water bottle through a window.

len said...

gotta start riding with some old chain in the back jersey pocket.

that bastard was by me so fast though I would've needed a long light to catch up.

sda said...

i'm telling you. a water bottle full of sand!! if you don't "use" it it can serve as a training aid.
