Monday, March 13, 2006

Project Free Weekend

Pretty awesome weekend here. Feels like summer to me, but I guess this is still considered early spring. 80's and 90's with humidity is early spring I guess.

Tara's up in Arkansas with her friend Yvette. Schools on spring break and it was a little break from resposibilities for me. Lots of guilt free riding. Started with a short 3-5 miler with the mutts and my buddy Hector up at Walnut Creek. It was already hot and humid and Carmen was dragging so Hector rode on and I rode back to the car with the mutts. A couple of stops at some water holes got Carmen refreshed and ready to carry on. Only twice did she run off to a creek to go fishing. This dog is fascinated by the small fish that occupy these creeks. She can spend hours, oblivious to everything, trying to catch these fish. Bit easier getting her back that day. Maybe it was allowing for longer stops so she could get her fix. Rango on the other hand is always on the back wheel ready for when you try and put the hammer down.

Back home by noon. Cooking and then eating pancakes with my buddy rEy. Took out an Austin map and figured out a way to ride up to Walnut. Sweet ride. Better than I thought. The roads get pretty sketchy up north, but I knew there had to be a chill way. Bike lanes pretty much the whole way after we crossed 183. The sketchiest frontage road in Austin. Almost hit once by a guy pulling into a parking lot. Parkfield though brings you through some neighborhoods lined with live oaks and small hills through the drainages.

Dropped us into the loops at the southeast end. Did a few laps out on the back. Finally used my camera effectively. Saw a little side trail at a powerline that we were pointed at and decided to ride it. Its a trail that I don't really ride to often and couldn't remember it. Dropped us down this steep chute in the trees.

Rode on to the burm and the camera came out again. Usually when I ride I don't like stopping to set up pictures, but for some reason it felt like the thing to do. Maybe had to do with riding to the trail.

Used to be afraid to go high on the fixxie, always afraid I ride off the top into the woods, but its super fun on a freewheel. Coming down feels pretty steep when your on top of it.

Rey had a little trouble with the timing of the camera. He's a photographer, too.

By the end of that ride, that jersey was toast. Caught my inside pocket on a piece of tree branch going around a turn. Ripped open the pockets and one side to just under my armpit. All my tools flew out halfway down a cliff into the creek. Sweet. Thanks for the jersey, Carp. It was sweet while it lasted.


Tony T said...

Those are some fun looking trails.

I really need to make a visit to Austin.

len said...

seriously. come on down. tara and i'd love to have ya!

len said...

Dude, r u coming? hope so.