Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sub 70 degree temps!

Wow, I forgot what this feels like. Who'd ever though that temperatures in the high 60's would feel cold. Tara even had to wear a fleece jacket this morning. Great day for riding to work. Only problem if this weather keeps up there goes my excuse for jumping in a car. the brooks is breaking in real nice and is super comfortable. Already had to tighten it. Seems as though its breaking in real quick. Got soft as hell on the ride Sunday, but that was due to rain. Been proofriding in every 2-3 rides so that is probably helping it.

Tuesday night cross and mtn bike races coming up at the del valle motocross park. Should be sweet as its under the lights.



len said...

i know its crazy, like that movie. just woke up and it everything was gray, no color. goddamn global warming or something. as long as work doesn't get too crazy and i can schedule field work around it, should be up for the beer ride.

cvo said...

the photos do look real good, hope to see you in october, I'll have a beer and a grit waiting for ya

len said...

october is looking real bad. new project that is going to need to be turned ASAP. its lame.

Emily said...

You Texans are such whiners!! "It's too hot here... It's too cold here..." Oh wah.