Spoke with Tara at the bar. "Oh, there is plenty of chicken, tell rEy to come on over. Just pick up some more beer." Don't worry. The food was killer. We had to wait a bit, but there was a little splif interlude so we were just able to eat more by the time it was ready. So good. Tara bake the chicken in some Jamaican Soy Vey marinade, Braggs Amino Acid stuff, and some flavored salt. Damn it was good. Ate it like a caveman. Little steamed cauliflower, spinach, and rice. Pretty stoked this woman and I have decided to spend our lives together. Amazing how little things like these reaffirm how fortunate you are.
Some great jazz on KUT tonight. I assuming there was a little Jimmy Smith set then some Madeski, Martin and Wood, followed by some more funky jazz. Gotta love NPR. Support and listen to your local NPR. To me its by far the best station in this town and KUT might could be the best radio station I've had the fortune of listening to every day.
Fresh Air had a great program talking about the Stokes trial, Evolution, and the current public school creationist debate in Penn. How the hell did Jonah live in whales stomach for 3 days? Did they have Tumms back then and did that whale take a few those days to cut down on his stomach acid? I'm a hydrogeologist so this really isn't me expertise, but also isn't it a physical imposibility for a human to fit through the throat of many whale species? I am really open to ideas here and any new insight would be really welcomed. Come on, give me some ANSWERS.
Len my good man, sounds like your having a blast down there.
W and I were just chattin about you last night during our peacefull ride through wilderness.
It's nice that all of our out of town buddies keep in touch via the blog network nowadays. it's all good.
good job on the red hook. one of my favorie beers to get when I'm at oso.
ride hard, and keep loose,
chat with you again soon
The bloggin thing is a great way to keep in touch with what's going on. Also a great way to waste time at work. You gotta take a lot of credit for getting it rolling in Lincoln.
Sounds like you and Wills had a sweet ride last night through Wilderness.
Looking forward to getting back to Lincoln one of these days. Was thinking about for the beer ride, or for that cross race carp is coming down for, but money is just a little too tight right now. Only one income makes it hard to fit in long trips and what not. I guess Tara and I could cut back on going out and drink less beer and wine or at least start drinking canned beer, but we can't do that. Plus, the Red Hook is only about $10 a 12er.
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