Monday, July 16, 2007

2 down in one week

Two cyclist killed last week. Sounds like it was the cyclists fault ran a red light on Springdale crossing hwy 290. though maybe it was a brakeless fixie rider, but the lady was wearing a helmet and that kinda goes against the whole look. Pretty shitty though. We've all done it and do it, running the reds. Here's one reason not to, or at least stop. Pretty easy to miss an approaching car when coming to the rolling stop.

Pretty hectic week in Austin last week. 2 girls on a conoe got caught in the current on Town Lake and took a ride through the damn below Pleasant Valley Rd. There was a boating ban on Town Lake due to the high waters and strong current. Guess the person who rented them the canoe at the Austin Hostel didn't know about that or think they needed life jackets. Ooops. Both girls survived without major injury.

Haven't seen it in the news, but some friends told me a guy and girl took a ride over the top of a dam on a jet ski. Guess they didn't see the dam due to the hight water and over they went at high speed. Both survived.

1 comment:

MG said...

no doubt. keep the rubber side down... and be careful around those dams!