Sunday, July 22, 2007

More Rain

Its unbelievable how much its rained this year. Started getting hit hard again on Friday. Will it ever stop? I'm jonsin' for some dirt. Especially now that I got a WOW on the 29er. Replaced the bent Project 2 with a Willits. Little spin on the streets and this thing is sweet. Some nice action on the fork and its going to make for a sweet, smooth ride. Definately not suspension, but that's not what I'm looking for. Lost the long as stem I was running and went with a 90mm Thomson. Feels real nice.

Took some time to clean up the garage and get Tara's trainer set up. She hasn't been riding too much. Took the trainer out of the guest bedroom for when her mom stayed at our house to watch the dogs while we went to visit my family in New York. It never got put back up since we've been getting the room ready for the baby. Tara feels like she's slower, go figure, she's not showing at all! Being slow doesn't work for Tara riding in traffic, which is her favorite way to ride. But the trainer lets her get her rides in. The garage will work well. A bit hotter than the AC'd house, but that's fine for a southern gir.

Got everything set up while Tara was shopping for art supplies for her class. Went for a ride up and over Mt. Bonnel. Some great climbing. Love climbing the hills on the fixxie. Having to hammer is sweet and since your feet are being forced around it feels easier than a singlespeed. Got home and Tara was stoked to watch a movie and spin. The dogs and I chilled in the garage with her. Pretty sweet.


cvo said...

wow, your gonna be a daddy soon dude

I finaly put your envelope of stickers in the mail.

have a good one, go buy an umbrella and a boat.

Carp said...

That is one sweet fork.

Emily said...

tara, you are one beautiful mama! props for gettin' that kid on a bike, but is that will & grace that you're making your baby listen to?!