Sunday, October 23, 2005

Signs of Hope and Signs of Anger

Well, it was an eye opening weekend. The damage is unbelievable. What was spared is too. Even though is seems the place is flater than Nebraska, the difference of a block can mean the difference between a flood or not.

Lots of people are out and have returned. There is a huge task at hand. I hope the city can be saved and rebuilt. I hope politics can be transcended and a plan can be put forth where some of the flooded land is used for green areas, wetlands, and places to allow flooding when the levees are in danger. I believe the city has a chance to really shine and come back better than ever. One thing I've learned is sometimes the good comes from the bad.

Anyhow, go to New Orleans. Support this city and go there, listen to music, eat the food, and give her your money and love.

1 comment:

cvo said...

wow, len those pics are knarrrrly.

thanks for puttin them up.

glad everyone is ok