Monday, October 31, 2005

Soon To be New House

In the process of getting the money and loan together for this house. Small 3 bedroom 2 bath, but plenty big enought for us and the price is right. Super stoked. If all goes well we might be closing before Thanksgiving.


Tony T said...

First the house, then the 2.3 kids. Better watch out!

Nice looking place.

cvo said...

congrats on the house len.

good luck
gonna need a mower

len said...

Not if I don't water the lawn I don't. Front lawn is St Augustine and back is just grass. Augustine is a water hog. I'll probably let it die and then plant some native grasses. No water and lots of 'em look good long. Yeah, I'm a hippy not wanting to waste water with lawn watering. In college I was refered to as a violent hippy.

Can't wait for the yard work actually. Probably clear out a lot of the scrappy bird planted trees on the fence line. Going to plant a lot of native succulents and cacti too.

As always, any folks from Lincoln are welcome to come down for a visit. Soon enough there will be a kegerator in the fridge!

len said...

Thanks Thad. Debt is the American way. The sweet thing is we will be paying less than $300 more a month for mortgage, insurance, and taxes than we were paying for rent.

Watered lawn just means more mowing and less riding. May get some goats to do the work for me. That would be cool. Plus some chickens.


mw said...

yes. congrats len.

i got 2 kids and 2 cars and a house. wtf. never thought i'd be here but it's all good.

sda said...

FSdude that is sweet. i'm so stoked for you guys. you should get goats for sure man, and lost of succulents. you'll have the shortest grass in the neighborhood + you could save on garbage bills ... toss it in the yard and let the goats have at it.

and i have to agree, drives me nuts when i see coffee shop still closed after 7 a.m. what are they thinking?